HARWICH – Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod received a $4,500 grant from the Harwich Fund in support of some of its recently constructed homes.
The money will be used to buy major appliances for Habitat houses on Murray Lane in West Harwich.
“The impact that the Harwich Fund grant will have on these six families and to the town of Harwich is significant,” said Habitat President and CEO Wendy Cullinan.
Cullinan noted the neighborhood is named honor of Bob Murray, an advocate for local housing.
The Homeless Prevention Council also received an award of a $1,000 from the Harwich Fund.
The money will go toward supporting case management for residents in Harwich and help provide access to programs that promote stability. The Chatham Fund also awarded HPC a grant.
The Harwich Fund is managed by the Cape Cod Foundation.
By Brian Engles, CapeCod.com NewsCenter