Orleans Board of Health Issues Face Covering Advisory

ORLEANS – The Orleans Board of Health issued a public health advisory urging residents to wear a face covering while in indoor public places due to increases in COVID-19 cases in Orleans among vaccinated and non-vaccinated residents. 

The board recommended that a mask or cloth face coverings should be worn regardless of a person’s vaccination status, a position advocated by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to prevent the spread of the virus.

Barnstable County has been listed by the CDC as being in an area of substantial transmission for the virus. 

The advisory said facial coverings should be worn “indoors on the premises of a business, club or place of assembly, including but not limited to retail establishments, restaurants, bars, performance venues, social blubs, events spaces, places of religious worship or in municipal buildings.”

Employees and customers, including those of lodgings and personal services, are advised to wear face coverings while indoors. It was also noted that customers frequenting food service establishments should be able to remove facial coverings when seated. 

The advisory made exceptions for residents who might incur safety risks from wearing masks, including difficulty in breathing or require supplemental oxygen, or rely on lip-reading to communicate. 

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