Advocacy Group Offers Open Enrollment Assistance

BARNSTABLE – As the Open Enrollment period for Medicare approaches, SHINE (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) Cape Cod & Islands is offering expert consultation and advice for residents assessing their healthcare coverage and its related costs.

SHINE’s counselors are state-certified and offer their services by appointment at local regional senior centers.

By helping residents stay informed of ongoing developments in Medicare, SHINE volunteers can assist residents in lowering out-of-pocket and prescription drug costs and guide them toward public programs that can help lower premiums, copayments, and coverage based on the client’s individual demographic information.

Open Enrollment will begin on October 15 and last through December 7, and it is expected that appointments will fill up quickly as Open Enrollment gets closer.

Appointments are available virtually, in person, or over the phone.

Those making appointments are advised to bring their Medicare A/B card, Medigap or Medicare Advantage card, Prescription Drug Plan Member Card, sign-in information, and updated medication and prescription information.

To find a list of local Senior Centers offering appointments click here, or dial the County SHINE office by dialing 508-375-6762 to make an appointment.

By, Matthew Tomlinson, NewsCenter

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