BARNSTABLE – State officials recently announced over $5.4 million in grant funding to support traffic safety enforcement and outreach programs for 186 state municipalities, including over $130,000 for police departments on Cape Cod and the Islands.
The awards come via the FY24 Municipal Road Safety Grant Program, which provides funding for municipal police departments that propose traffic safety initiatives in their community, including high visibility enforcement patrols, road safety equipment such as speed signs, and campaigns to educate youth and community members on the importance of road safety.
The largest regional award went to the Barnstable Police Department, which received a grant of $60,000, followed by the Falmouth Police Department, which received $39,950, and the Bourne Police Department, which received $34,609.37.
“Aggressive and dangerous driving are a threat to every road user. Providing local law enforcement agencies with the resources necessary to enforce traffic laws and educate members of their communities about distracted, impaired, and aggressive driving is vital to ensuring the public’s safety,” said Terrence Reidy, Secretary of Public Safety and Security.
“These grants allow towns and cities to approach traffic safety initiatives in ways that make the most sense for the community’s needs.”
The program is administered by the Office of Grants and Research using funds from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
By, Matthew Tomlinson, CapeCod.com NewsCenter