Town of Sandwich to Host Rabies Clinic

SANDWICH – The Town of Sandwich will host a rabies clinic at Sandwich Town Hall on June 8 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The charge for dogs is $20 dollars, for cats it is $30 dollars, and includes both the rabies vaccine and a rabies tag.

Participants will also have the opportunity to get their dogs licensed with the Town of Sandwich at the event.

Licensing fees for the town are $10 dollars for neutered male and female dogs, $15 dollars for intact male dogs.

No registration is necessary to participate in the clinic.

About Zachary Clapp

Zack is a graduate from Cape Cod Community College who is an avid sports fan and loves everything radio.  Zack joined the NewsCenter in 2023.
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