Falmouth Town Hall
FALMOUTH – Work continues to find a new permanent town manager for Falmouth following the departure of Julian Suso from the position.
Select board members during this week’s meeting faced questions on how the search should be shaped, as well as the timeline amid the busy fall season and annual town meeting.
Select board members including Samuel Patterson considered soliciting a specialized firm for the task.
“I’d like to know what they’re offering as to what value it would bring to us, in terms of making that choice. Educating us on what we should be looking for. What other municipalities are looking for,” said Paterson.
If the town chooses to go with a firm to perform the search, Assistant Town Manager Peter Johnson-Staub—who has assumed the duties of town manager—said they will need to solicit at least three quotes.
“I can have a staff member reach out to some of those firms to get an idea, some sample scopes in terms of what they are offering.”
One idea floated by the board is hiring the Collins Center for Public Management, a state agency with experts that specialize in building an applicant pool for executive recruitment.
Select board members did not make any official vote, though said that they would ensure they are personally involved in the process and keep any search committees small.