(BARNSTABLE) – The Cape Cod Commission is seeking public input as they develop a Vision Zero Action Plan for Cape Cod to identify and eliminate fatalities and serious injuries from vehicle crashes for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and drivers.
Roadway users are encouraged to share their thoughts about roadway safety using an online, interactive public comment tool developed by the Commission and consultant Kimley-Horn to identify locations with safety concerns or where crashes or near-crashes have happened.
Users can also suggest safety improvements in specific locations. Your input will help identify the biggest problem areas and aid in prioritizing safety improvements. To share your thoughts about roadway safety, please visit cccom.link/Vision-Zero-Comment.
The Cape Cod Commission is developing a Vision Zero Action Plan for Cape Cod through the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant program, an initiative designed to improve road safety and address traffic fatalities nationwide. The effort is funded by a $240,000 federal grant. Development of the Vision Zero Action Plan began this summer and will conclude in Spring 2025.
The Cape Cod Vision Zero Action Plan, a pathway to a safer future, will include a systematic crash analysis and set of solutions to tackle the root causes of all crashes, emphasizing those involving bicyclists, pedestrians, and other non-motorists.
The Action Plan will consider a range of low-cost, high-impact regional strategies such as bike light distribution, updated pedestrian signal equipment, and major infrastructure improvements at key locations. Completing the Action Plan will make all fifteen Cape Cod towns eligible for SS4A Implementation Grants to leverage federal funding to implement strategies.
Public outreach will help inform priority locations for safety improvements and strategies.
Over the next several months, additional public outreach, including pop-up tables and public meetings, will be scheduled.
For more information visit the project website or contact: Colleen Medeiros, Cape Cod Commission Transportation Program Manager, 508-744-1226.