Congratulations to Ocean 104.7’s December Teacher of the Month – Traci Wyse!

Traci is the Director of the Alternative Learning Program at Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School. She’s also the Head Coach of the school’s Weightlifting team, Girls Varsity Golf, and the Unified Basketball Team. The Unified team creates a space for kids with learning disabilities to have a place to belong and to have a chance to play hoops just like their classmates. Traci adds: “These kids are really good. They play basketball just like everybody else. We have practice and we run laps. We go through the whole thing.” The team recently tasted success at the Unified Basketball Jamboree tournament between 4 local teams, winning it all! This is DY’s second year with the program, with Traci hoping to continue to add more sports to the program. For receiving this honor, Traci will get a special certificate, plus $100 from our sponsor, “Gadgets Made Eazy” in Falmouth.
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