HYANNIS – The Town of Barnstable, the Barnstable Adult Community Center, the Friends of Barnstable Council on Aging, Barnstable Police, and the five Fire Districts are inviting residents aged 55 and up to the town’s second “55+ Community Safety Day” on Thursday, September 28 at the Barnstable Adult Community Center from 10 am to 4 pm.
The event will bring a variety of entertainment, public safety professionals from over 30 agencies, and safety resources to the Center to help attendees stay safe in their homes, neighborhoods, and virtual environments.
Free demos will be available, as well as classes on how to spot common internet and phone scams, operate a home fire extinguisher, and navigate the County’s safety resources during emergencies.
Free snacks and refreshments will be available at the event.
To learn more, call the Barnstable Adult Community Center at 508-862-4750.
By, Matthew Tomlinson, CapeCod.com NewsCenter