Barnstable County Commissioners Mark Forest, Ronald Bergstrom and Sheila Lyons.
HYANNIS – Barnstable County Commissioners are taking steps to stop budget cuts to Information Technology services after the Assembly of Delegates made plans to go forward with the reductions.
“We are very disappointed in the Assembly’s decision to make cuts to a range of critical county services, especially our IT services that many Cape towns depend on for their municipal operations,” Chair Sheila Lyons said.
The statement comes after the Assembly approved budget cuts by overriding the Commissioners’ rejection of their proposed budget for the next fiscal year.
The cuts impact funding for a program to let the Cape’s towns utilize Barnstable County IT expertise, including additional services for Harwich and Bourne that would have started in July.
The commissioners will meet on Wednesday, June 1st to discuss how the county could potentially prevent the budget cuts and determine ways it can fulfill service contracts.
By Brian Engles, CapeCod.com NewsCenter