BARNSTABLE – The Cape Cod & Islands Water Protection Fund Management Board recently voted to award $27,756,431 in subsidies to support water quality projects in Barnstable, Chatham, Falmouth and Orleans.
Four contingent commitments of $27,066,125 for 25% subsidies were given to the four towns to fund qualified projects listed on the 2022 Clean Water State Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan.
A smaller subsidy of $690,305 was awarded to the Town of Barnstable for wastewater pump station improvements.
The fund, which draws its revenue from a 2.75% excise tax on traditional lodging and short-term rentals, has awarded almost $95 million to Cape communities since its inception in 2018.
“The creation of the Cape and Islands Water Protection Fund has been critical to preserving one of our most vital natural resources: pristine water,” said State Senator Julian Cyr.
“This forward-thinking fund ensures that the financial burden of water management does not rest solely on the shoulders of local taxpayers but is shared with those who visit our shores and contribute to our water quality challenges,” he said.
Eligible projects include installation of alternative septic system technologies, water quality and wastewater management planning, construction of sewer collection systems and wastewater treatment plants, and water treatment programs to improve and restore freshwater ponds and marine resources.
“This is a really exciting moment for our region,” said Management Board Chair Kevin Galligan. “So much is happening to improve water quality, and the region is fortunate to have the incredible support provided by the Water Protection Fund.”
To view a full list of awards, click here.
By, Matthew Tomlinson, NewsCenter