HYANNIS – A task force created to address the housing crisis currently overtaking Cape Cod met recently to discuss the depth of the problem as well as possible solutions.
According to Cape & Islands State Senator Julian Cyr, many have been forced off the Cape already due to losses of necessary rental properties and affordable options.
The Homeless Prevention Council has seen a 31% increase in the number of households needing their services from 2019 to 2020.
A common occurrence for HPC is receiving calls from individuals who have never needed housing assistance before, and never thought that they would have to make the call.
The HPC is determined to help people find and maintain housing during this difficult time.
With the increases of property prices across the region, many lower income workers are being forced out of their homes, leading to a consistently increasing strain on the local small business community.
According to Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce CEO Wendy Northcross, the local business community has responded to this crisis by discussing ways that they can help keep workers on the Cape.
Possible solutions such as the community creating trusts with local employers to help maintain the workforce have been discussed.
“Whether it’s Provincetown, Falmouth, Barnstable, the Islands, we’re hearing every single day that housing is crushing our small businesses,” said Northcross during a media event recently hosted by the task force.
Groups of all demographics have been affected by this crisis, according to the HPC, however marginalized communities have been the most greatly impacted.