Rail Trail Extension Planners Outline Potential Additions

YARMOUTH – A design consultant says the proposed extension to the Cape Cod Rail Trail would improve access and parking issues.

The project would extend the trail within multiple towns, stretching it from Yarmouth’s Peter Homer Park to Mary Dunn Road within Barnstable.

Upgrades would be given to existing shared-use paths, while new sections would also be created.

Consultant Trish Domigan said more natural elements would be added as well.

“As part of the design development, we are putting in trees and plantings for shading, screening, and aesthetics along the bike path itself,” Domigan said.

One of the issues that Domigan and other planners hope to solve is to ensure that all parts of the path are wide enough to exceed state standards, thus making things easier and safer for those using the trail.

That safety, Domigan added, will not be coming at the expense of the area’s beauty.

“We want to make that any enhancements of the bike way itself is within the context of this surrounding environment,” Domigan continued.

If the project moves forward, construction could begin in 2022.

About Brendan Fitzpatrick

Brendan, a recent graduate from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, is one of the newest members of the CapeCod.com NewsCenter team. When not on the beat, you'll probably find him watching Boston sports.

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