MARTHA’S VINEYARD – The Woods Hole, Martha’s Vineyard, and Nantucket Steamship Authority is notifying the public that early departures from the Vineyard Haven Terminal will be affected as construction begins to replace a concrete finger pier on Wednesday, March 6, 2024.
The finger pier on the south side of Slip No. 2 has settled due to the reclining quality of the timber piles supporting it, prompting the need to replace the steel top beam and drive steel piles into the seabed to ensure the safety of pedestrians and vehicles heading back and forth from Martha’s Vineyard.
The project is expected to last six weeks, during which time the 5:30 am trip departing from Vineyard Haven will be suspended, with prior freight and automotive traffic reservations being re-accommodated to other trips and times.
Throughout this period, the first off-island trip will take place at 6 am aboard the M/V Martha’s Vineyard.
Construction will be performed by Coastal Marine Construction LLC, which was awarded a $556,524 contract by the Authority Board at its January 16 meeting.