Falmouth Seeking Approval for Dredging and Beach Projects

Courtesy of the Buzzards Bay Coalition

FALMOUTH – A permit application to conduct work in the Town of Falmouth waters was received by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for proposed work at sites in Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound.

The Army Corps is looking for feedback from the public; federal, state and local agencies; American Indian Tribes; and other interested parties to evaluate the impacts of the projects.

Work would include permitting the Comprehensive Permits for the Town of Falmouth’s dredging and beach nourishment projects.

The plan would be to consolidate and manage 31 dredging and beach nourishment sites that are required to maintain the town’s waterways, harbors, and salt ponds.

There are currently 20 existing dredging projects and 11 beach nourishment projects.

Public comments on the proposed work must be sent in by May 25, to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District.

The public notice with more detailed information is available for review on the district website.

About Zachary Clapp

Zack is a graduate from Cape Cod Community College who is an avid sports fan and loves everything radio.  Zack joined the CapeCod.com NewsCenter in 2023.

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