WELLFLEET – The Public Health and Wellness Division of the Visiting Nurse Association of Cape Cod and Dr. Peter E. Bentivegna from Cape Cod Plastic and Hand Surgeons are teaming up to hold a skin cancer screening clinic at the Wellfleet Adult Community Center on June 23, 2022 from 9 to 11 am.
The free clinic is exclusive to Wellfleet residents and will screen residents as well as answer questions about skin lesions and provide referrals to dermatologists if necessary.
‘We have a large older population here on the Cape with lots of sun exposure and time on the beach so there is a fairly high brisk for squamous cell, basal cell lesions and melanoma,’ said Bentivegna.
“We have all been fooled by moles that look just fine and turn out to be something or angry looking moles that are fine, but we are concerned. The area can be biopsied and give a clearer picture of what is going on.”
Dr. Bentivegna has been an affiliate of Cape Cod Healthcare for almost 30 years.
No treatment will be administered at the event itself.
To make an appointment, call 508-957-7423.
By, Matthew Tomlinson, CapeCod.com NewsCenter