Yarmouth Still Encouraged To Pursue Three-Town Regional Dispatch Plan

Town of Yarmouth seal

YARMOUTH – The Town of Yarmouth continues to discuss the possibility of a regional emergency communication center with Barnstable and Sandwich. 

The Yarmouth Select Board recently listened to a presentation from the fire and police chiefs who supported the move in April.

A follow-up press release from the Select Board and Town Administrator that was issued on Wednesday says a feasibility study points to benefits for Yarmouth being part of the team, and that they are being invited to execute an intergovernmental agreement.

Officials point to improved public safety and more ease maintaining necessary staffing.

According to Yarmouth, the funding for construction and equipping of the facility would be through the State 911 program, and would be hosted by the Town of Barnstable.

Public comment can be emailed to [email protected].

By Jim McCabe, CapeCod.com NewsCenter

About Jim McCabe

Jim McCabe is a native of (suburban) Philadelphia who has lived in New England and covered Cape Cod news since 2016. He is also the play-by-play announcer for the Cape-based Seahawks Hockey Club .

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