WELLFLEET – 2024 has turned into a record year of dolphin strandings and responses by the International Fund for Animal Welfare on Cape Cod. The … [Read more...]
IFAW Rescues Ten Dolphins
WELLFLEET – The International Fund for Animal Welfare says a series of dolphin strandings reached five towns and eight beaches along Cape Cod this … [Read more...]
Cape Cod’s Fishhook Topography Makes it a Global Hotspot for Mass Strandings by Dolphins
PROVINCETOWN - The recent stranding of more than 100 dolphins on Cape Cod, the largest such event involving dolphins in U.S. history, is partly … [Read more...]
Historic Stranding Event Brings Conservationists To Wellfleet’s Great Island
WELLFLEET - The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) raced to Wellfleet on Friday to aid in the rescue of a group of over 120 Atlantic … [Read more...]
IFAW Reports Largest Stranding In History
WELLFLEET – The International Fund for Animal Welfare says there were 125 dolphins stranded in Wellfleet earlier today, which … [Read more...]
PHOTOS: 11 Dolphins Stranded in Wellfleet, 7-Hour Rescue Follows
WELLFLEET - Ten stranded dolphins are back in the water after a seven-hour rescue in Wellfleet last night. International Fund for Animal Welfare … [Read more...]
WATCH: Three Dolphins Rescued and Released off Provincetown
https://youtu.be/aF40YxSPLpQ The following is from the International Fund for Animal Welfare: A late day response effort for the stranding of … [Read more...]
From The CapeCod.com NewsCenter
Monomoy School District Receives International Award For Video Project
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Truro Town Manager Stepping Down
Eversource Notes “Dramatic” Increase In Heat Usage
Lawmakers on Both Sides of the Aisle Oppose Cape Cod Mental Health Cuts
Sea Turtles In Rehabilitation Receive Names Of Greek Deities
State Releases Comprehensive Housing Plan
Steamship Authority Waives Cancellation Fees Due to Gusts, Possible Cancellations
Barnstable County Releases Regional Housing Strategy
Bourne Meeting To Discuss Recreational Area Survey
Healey Announces $159M in Housing Tax Credits, Local Projects Benefiting