HYANNIS – The Cape & Islands United Way’s Women United recently announced the award of $26,000 to Cape Cod Community College to benefit women in the college’s medical assistant and diagnostic technician certificate programs.
The funds were raised at the organization’s annual Power of the Purse event on September 22, 2021 and will be aimed towards students struggling with financial instability with the goal of expanding the industry’s workforce on Cape Cpd.
“One student is studying to be a phlebotomist, and she is now able to finish her program, said Cape & Islands United Way CEO Mark Skala.
“As a single mom, who also helps care for an aging grandparent, this opportunity will not only benefit her family and help them get ahead, but it will make an immediate impact on our community,” he said.
Since the launch of Women United in 2017, the organization has invested over $100,000 into the community through its fundraising efforts.
By, Matthew Tomlinson, CapeCod.com NewsCenter