FALMOUTH – Falmouth is preparing for its upcoming annual Fall Town Meeting, which will address fire fighter staffing issues, budgetary matters, and the disposal of surplus firearms.
Article 6 on the warrant is looking to remove the Falmouth Fire Department from civil service.
The warrant’s explanation notes that removing the fire department from civil service will get rid of delays when bringing on new personnel since there have been issues filling vacancies.
Last year’s town meeting voted to remove the Police Department from the service as well.
Several articles will deal with supplementing the operating budget for Fiscal Year 2023. Article 9 would request $260,000 for overtime costs for the fire department to increase the minimum start of shift staffing from 14 to 16.
Article 4 would fund capital improvements including $1,700,000 for reconstructing tennis courts at Falmouth High School.
Other improvements on the article would include buying a new fire truck and ambulance for the new Hatchville fire station.
Article 13 was brought on by petition and looks to have the town destroy surplus assault weapons from the Police Department.
The warrant states the bylaw “would only apply to surplus weapons that are subject to the state’s assault weapons ban.”
In May, the select board approved a policy for members of the Police Department to have the opportunity to buy back surplus assault weapons.
If the article were approved, that policy could be disregarded.
Articles 11 and 12 came from petitions and seek to repeal the town’s single-use plastic water bottle ban. Mashpee repealed its water bottle ban back in May.
Article 14, also from a petition, suggests banning black take-out containers because they are not effectively recycled. The bylaw would restrict Falmouth businesses from using the plastic containers unless the packaging takes place outside of the town.
The full warrant can be found on Falmouth’s website.
Falmouth’s Annual Fall Town Meeting is taking place Monday, November 14 at 7pm at the Lawrence School auditorium.
By Brian Engles, CapeCod.com NewsCenter