Harwich Planning Committee Seeks Feedback on Survey

HARWICH – The Local Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Harwich is being updated, and the Planning Committee is looking for feedback from the community by using a survey.

The LCP serves as a guide to future growth and resource protection in the Town and officials say it is a key to the town’s development.

Community input is being requested in the survey about Harwich as it exists today and perspectives that will help guide improvement plans.

In addition to the LCP Update, the Town is updating its Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP) and its Housing Production Plan.

Some of the survey questions will be for those specific plans.

The LCP Update survey is broken down by general topics, includes 31 questions, and should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

To see more information about the survey and give feedback visit their website.

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About Zachary Clapp

Zack is a graduate from Cape Cod Community College who is an avid sports fan and loves everything radio.  Zack joined the CapeCod.com NewsCenter in 2023.

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