NANTUCKET - Nantucket beachgoers have ranked among the most likely to need a rescue, with the county the fourth most likely for accidents and calls to … [Read more...]
Yarmouth Beach Cleanup Event Seeking Volunteers
YARMOUTH - The Town of Yarmouth will host a beach cleanup event on October 21 beginning at 9 a.m. and they're looking for volunteers to help in the … [Read more...]
Experts Claim Warm Waters Attracting More Sharks to Cape Cod Waters
HYANNIS - Marine experts believe rising ocean temperatures are causing an increase in shark sightings along Cape Cod beaches. Shark populations … [Read more...]
EPA Awards State $275,000 To Support Water Quality Monitoring
ORLEANS – The Environmental Protection Agency recently awarded a $275,000 grant to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to support water … [Read more...]
Officials Urge Safety Amid Shark Uptick
HYANNIS - A new study into the habits of sharks off of Cape Cod points to a resurgence of the marine predator after a significant population crash in … [Read more...]
Nantucket House Condemned Due to Erosion
NANTUCKET - Nantucket officials continue to struggle with erosion issues with a Nantucket beachfront home on Sheep Pond Road the latest to be … [Read more...]
Beach Closures Because of Contamination Keeps Sunbathers Out of the Water
HYANNIS - Many sunbathers who want to take a dip in the cool water to escape the summer heat are being thwarted by high bacteria levels in water at … [Read more...]
From The NewsCenter
Cape Cod Teen Sentenced To Probation For Alleged Racial Incident
License Plate Grants Funds Regional Economic Development
Barnstable Commissioners And Delegates Want To Keep Pocasset Center Open
A Luxury House is Close to Tumbling into Cape Cod Bay. Will Anyone Stop It?
LISTEN: Managing Bird Flu in Backyards with New England Wildlife Centers’ Zak Mertz
Steamship Authority Releases Early Martha’s Vineyard Bookings
RFK Jr. Appears on Track to Become US Health Secretary as he Wins Key Republican Senator’s Support
Court Restores Protections for Endangered Whale Species to Prevent Entanglement in Fishing Gear
LISTEN: Cape Leaders Talk with Healey Administration on Future Under Trump, County Budgets
Cape Cod Healthcare CEO Elected Chair of Mass Association
Cyr Points Out Ramifications Of Trump’s Executive Actions
Bird Flu Response Continues In Plymouth
Assembly Of Delegates Discussing Proposal To Close Cape Mental Health Center