Legal Sizes for Lobsters Could Change to Protect Population

PORTLAND, ME (AP) - The rules about the minimum and maximum sizes of lobsters that can be trapped off New England could soon become stricter, … [Read more...]

NOAA Extends Limit on Fishing to Protect Whales

HYANNIS - The federal government has extended a ban that prohibits lobster and crab fishing in certain areas off of the coast of Massachusetts in an … [Read more...]

Feds Try to Improve Fishing Data With New Monitoring Rules

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Changes to U.S. rules about the monitoring of Northeast commercial fishing activities are going into effect this month with a … [Read more...]

Panel: Fishing Plan Can Rebuild Long Lost Cod Stock by 2033

PORTLAND, ME (AP) - Federal ocean regulators say a new fishing plan has a chance to rebuild the New England cod stock, which is a goal even many … [Read more...]

Barnstable Receives State Grant For Boat Ramp Repairs

BARNSTABLE - Barnstable has been awarded $25,000 for repairs to the Blish Point boat ramp.  “I’m delighted the Town of Barnstable will receive … [Read more...]

Could Trawler Cams Help Save World’s Dwindling Fish Stocks?

PORTLAND, ME (AP) - Could trawler cams help save the world’s fish? A bevy of companies are installing high-resolution cameras on U.S. fishing boats … [Read more...]

Fishermen Face Shutdowns as Warming Potentially Hurts Species

PORTLAND, ME (AP) - Fishing regulators and the seafood industry are coming to grips with the possibility some species that have declined with climate … [Read more...]

Fishing Derby Raises Awareness for Veteran Suicide Prevention

BOURNE - The “Fishing for the Mission 22” event will kick off this Friday at the Cape Cod Canal to raise money and awareness for veteran suicide … [Read more...]

Biden Aims at China in New Illegal Fishing Policy Framework

LISBON, PORTUGAL (AP) - The Biden administration is stepping up efforts to combat illegal fishing by China and ordering federal agencies to better … [Read more...]

Haul of Atlantic Cod, Once Abundant, Reaches New Low

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — One of the oldest fishing industries in the U.S. sank to a new low in catch last year, signaling that efforts to rebuild the … [Read more...]
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